I have been an interior designer for 34 years & have an abiding passion for the original & historical.
Outside of my daily Interior Design practice, my two greatest creative undertakings to date are How They Decorated (Rizzoli Publishers), a book about sixteen great women and how they decorated the rooms and homes they inhabited— and Little Augury, my longtime blog of all things muse-able— interiors, design, fashion, reading, writing and culture-at-large.
Little Augury was born on New Year's Eve 2008. It began as a way of continuing a conversation with a beloved mentor & the promise to keep just a bit of his wit & wisdom alive by sharing it whenever possible. Little Augury focuses on interior design, art, literature, fashion & social history with an eye, always looking back to the past, in the hope of understanding what is authentic & what will endure.
HOW THEY DECORATED is available to order via Amazon!
We've been getting great press, and I'm quite excited to announce numerous Events + Book Debut / Signings in the works.
If you're in need of a muse— here's a bit of what I've been inspired by lately via my Instagram.